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Habits Diabetics Should Have To Keep Their Feet Safe

Writer's picture: Josh DennisJosh Dennis

Diabetics are known for the increased risks that their feet can face due to diabetes. With this condition, there is a constant risk to the feet that simply cannot be ignored. Some people who suffer from diabetes have lost toes and even entire feet because they did not have the right habits in place. Since this is such a point of concern, we wanted to write an article on good habits that every diabetic should have to keep their feet in tip-top shape.

Keeping Good Hygiene

Good hygiene is important for anyone who owns feet, but it is even more important for those with diabetes. Diabetes puts the feet at significant risk because of its impacts on circulation and the nervous system. In many cases, those with diabetes will lose some or all feeling in their feet. With this development, it is incredibly easy to get an infection. In order to ensure that the infection you develop does not cause any truly dangerous problems, it is crucial to have good foot hygiene. When you are diabetic, a cut or raw spot can turn into an infected spot that will put your feet at risk of a worsening infection. In some cases, these developments can go unnoticed until it is too late, leading to amputation.

Keep Feet Safe

Diabetics should be wearing socks and shoes, even if they are indoors. Since there is often a lack of feeling, it is important to protect your feet against all odds. The reality is that you run a risk of injuring your foot, or even stepping on something sharp and not noticing. This can cause significant problems down the line and might severely damage your foot for life. Wearing shoes that protect your feet can keep your feet safe, even if you can’t.

Daily Feet Inspections

Every single person with diabetes should be doing daily checks on their feet. The best way to absolutely guarantee that your feet are safe and in good order is to continuously check them out. Doing daily checks can help you to notice when something isn’t right and take active steps to ensure your own personal safety. Checks might reveal cuts, fungal infections, or even physical injuries. Look for signs of swelling, redness, or open wounds. Even a change in shape or feel might mean something, so take the time to really get to know your feet.

Addressing Any Concerns

When you have diabetes, you just don’t have the luxury of waiting to see what happens. If you see that something irregular has occurred, you should absolutely be taking the time to address it right then and there. If you spot an injury, stay off of your foot and head out to a podiatrist to get it checked. If you see a raw spot, treat it with antibacterial creams and allow it to breathe. You won’t feel the tell-tale signs of a worsening condition, so treat even the smallest injury like it is of the utmost importance.

In addition to taking active steps to treat any problems, you should be continuously checking out what is happening with your feet. If you notice that something is wrong, don’t just do a minor treatment and forget about it. Continue to follow up on the situation until you are certain that everything is back in good order. Stay on top of it, even it feels like you are doing too much.

Consulting a Professional When Necessary

Professionals are of the utmost importance for diabetic foot care. You might spot a bit of redness and think nothing of it because it doesn’t feel bad. In reality, a podiatrist could very well tell you that you have significantly injured your foot. It is always best to defer to professionals for care, particularly if you notice any redness or swelling. An expert can ensure that your feet stay safe and heal properly, so don’t brush off your problems.


The right habits can be a lifesaver when it comes to diabetic foot care. The truth is that you really must eliminate potential risks at all costs. Being more attentive to your feet and their needs can literally save them, so don’t be stingy with care. Diabetes is a pain, but the issues that come with it can be managed with a little extra attention. Be your own advocate and keep an eye out for any problems. You will be glad that you did when it really comes down to it!

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